New Media

The eventual media of virtual reality may very well be on it’s way. Though it technically exists, it is only in development and shows promise for the future. There may eventually be a time where the thoughts of a user may be implanted into a constructed virtual community, much like the current virtual video games we have today. The games created today are very recent and new to the market, showing improvement rapidly in coordinating movement and immersion of the user into the virtual reality. This may eventually lead to advances in communication as well, as new opportunities could be granted much like the initial release of the internet. An example of how virtual reality in media may play a substantial role can be seen in Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Move a Cursor by Andrew Pollack describing how”A paralyzed man with a small sensor implanted in his brain was able to control a computer, a television set and a robot using only his thoughts, scientists reported yesterday.”

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